A day to discover, immerse yourself in and get a clearer idea of what higher education is all about, and more specifically the content of the Engineering and Bachelor's courses offered at UniLaSalle Rennes, the school that trains experts at the heart of environmental issues.
Ask your high school and join us for a day!

Une journée pour goûter à la vie d'un élève Bachelor Environnement et Développement Durable d'UniLaSalle Rennes

Morning program

9:30 am: welcome by the orientation/admissions team


10am - 11:30am: "What is a classified installation for the protection of the environment (ICPE)" with M. Leroy

Lunch break program

11:30am - 1pm: Lunch at the university restaurant with some of the school's students

Afternoon program

1pm - 2:30pm: "What kind of waste collection on your territory?" with Ms Swertvaeger. 2nd year Bachelor students will present their project.

2.45pm - 4.15pm: Introduction to the circular economy with Mr. Cordrie.

4.15pm - 4.45pm: Testimonials: 2nd-year Bachelor students give feedback on their search for an apprenticeship contract.

5 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: "How to tame ParcourSup?" workshop with Mme Ligny. Parents are invited to attend.

You're not available on that date?

Here are other immersion days to discover the Environmental Engineering and Environment and Sustainable Development Bachelor programs.

  • December 12, 2023, special day for ENGINEERS - Environment   
  • December 22, 2023, ENGINEER & BACHELOR day - Environment   
  • February 9, 2024, ENGINEER & BACHELOR day - Environment   
  • April 2, 2024, ENGINEER & BACHELOR - Green Day: the school dedicates this day to positive actions for sustainable development, and you're invited!


I register

Infos pratiques

- D'autres journées d'immersion te sont proposées :
En 2023 > 12/12, 22/12
En 2024 > 09/02, 02/04
UniLaSalle Rennes | École des métiers de l'environnement
Campus de Ker Lann
12 Avenue Robert Schuman
35170 Bruz
admissions.rennes@unilasalle.fr Je m'inscris