The pre-engineering cycle concentrates on the fundamentals of engineering and prepares you to choose a world for the next three years of their curriculum.
It includes :
- a core curriculum (50% of hourly volume)
- a block of thematic courses (40% of the hourly volume), to be chosen from :
- Geosciences (Beauvais campus)
- Environmental Sciences (Rennes campus)
- Life Sciences (Beauvais campus)
- optional courses (10% of total hours).
UniLaSalle offers flexibility and the possibility of working in different environments throughout your course. The pre-engineering cycle can be completed on the Beauvais or Rennes campuses, regardless of your choice of engineering course.
A "menu" program
The core curriculum of the pre-engineering cycle includes the core courses and a block of optional courses.
It is enriched by the IES program - Innover, Entreprendre, Servir - which aims to encourage student commitment.
50% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Core courses are the essential foundation for all engineers, whatever their future direction.
They include basic sciences (maths, physics, chemistry...), humanities, languages and engineering tools.
- Semester 1 : Fundamentals of organic chemistry • Engineering tools • Combinatorial logic • Descriptive statistics • Introduction to ethics • Fundamentals of general physics • Climate and earth envelope • Cell biology, systematics and biodiversity • English LV1 • LV2 (German, Spanish, Portuguese)
- Semester 2 : Algorithms and programming • Geographic information and positioning • Probabilities • Ethics and sustainable development • Internal geodynamics: the life of a mountain range • Biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functioning • General economics • English LV1 • LV2 (German, Spanish, Portuguese)
- Semestre 3 : Cinétique chimique • Base de données – SQL • Initiation à la recherche / métrologie • Algèbre linéaire • Statistique inférentielle • Epistémologie • Thermodynamique physique • Eau, gestion des déchets, minerais au quotidien et société • Droit : bases et principes • Anglais LV1 • LV2 (allemand, espagnol, portugais)
- Semestre 4 : Thermochimie • Interculturalité • Mécanique des fluides (statique et dynamique) • Outils de gestion • Introduction aux sciences politiques et gouvernance • Anglais LV1 • LV2 (allemand, espagnol, portugais)
10% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Open courses enable you to explore a variety of areas, from general culture to specific aspects of a particular field.
Each semester, you'll choose 2 subjects from a block of options.
Enjoy yourself, discover, explore, these courses are made for it!
The themes
- Culture and creativity
- Social issues
- Sports
- Digital
- Expressions
- Discover the world of business
The IES program is...
- Innovate through open, social and solidarity-based innovation projects;
- Enterprising by taking on responsibilities in campus associations or carrying out entrepreneurial projects;
- Serve the common good of the school, student life or public interest associations;
- Serve those in need by developing solidarity actions and caring, fraternal relationships.
Terms and conditions
- 20h minimum service on campus
- In the form of :
- a commitment to solidarity
- UniLaSalle community involvement
- assistance with an innovation project
campus: Beauvais
The Geosciences pre-engineering program is designed for students interested in the study of rocks and their professional applications.
It is characterized by a strong "field" dimension, representing up to 50 days over the first two years:
- Geological excursions in Normandy, Brittany and Belgium (2x5 days)
- Sedimentary mapping schools in south-eastern France (11 days)
- Magmatic mapping school (11 days)
- Semi-autonomous mapping course in the Alps and Pyrenees (3 weeks)
Main findings
25% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Semester 1
- General geology
- Cartography
- Petrography: the main families
- Mineralogy
- Biochronology
- Statics
Semester 2
- Structural geomorphology
- Cartography
- Strength of materials
- Descriptive tectonics
- Internal geodynamics
- Crystallochemistry
Semester 3
- GIS and geodesy
- Cartography
- Macroscopic mineralogy
- Orogen - Geology of France
- Past and present deposit environments
Semester 4
- Geomorphology
- Object-oriented programming (Java)
- Cartography
- Mechanics of deformable solids
- Endogenous petrology
- Sedimentary basins
15% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Semester 1
- Topometry
- Field school: the main principles of geology (Brittany and/or Normandy)
- Mineralogy
Semester 2
- Issues and challenges in the geosciences
- Biochronology: in-depth study
- Field school: structural mapping in sedimentary terrain (Alps)
- Petrography: in-depth study
Semester 3
- Microscopic mineralogy
- Depositional environments: application
- Quantitative tectonics
Semester 4
- Microfacies analysis
- Field school: volcanic mapping (La Bourboule)
- Endogenous petrology
- Cover tectonics (balanced sections)
campus: Rennes
The Environmental Sciences pre-engineering program is aimed at students interested in environmental issues, biodiversity and sustainable development, and more specifically in the water, energy, waste and corporate environmental performance sectors.
Main findings
25% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Semester 1
- Biochemistry
- General ecology
- Survey and data collection
Semester 2
- Human physiology and the impact of pollutants
- Functional organic chemistry
- Earth sciences
- Applied ecology
Semestre 3
- Physiologie humaine et impacts des polluants
- Chimie des solutions
- Biologie des organismes
- Sciences de la Terre
Semestre 4
- Biochimie
- Chimie des solutions
- Biologie des organismes
- Pédologie
- Ecologie appliquée
- Système industriel
- Mécanique des matériaux
- L'éco-entreprise dans son environnement
15% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Semester 1
- English: Basic Environmental awareness
- Introduction to energy issues
- Introduction to waste: types of waste and collection methods
- Context, issues and history of sustainable development
- Introduction to urban material issues
- PACT_DD: discovering the hidden facets of a technique
Semester 2
- English: Basic Environmental awareness
- Project and meeting management
- Introduction to environmental assessment and procedures
- PACT_DD: Telling the sustainable development story
Semester 3
- English: Environmental factors
- PACT_DD: sharing sustainable development
- Environmental physics
- PACT_DD: environmental processes
Semester 4
- English: Environmental factors
- Eco-design (project)
- Recycling and process optimization
- PACT_DD: the challenges of sustainable development
- PACT_DD: identifying and innovating
campus : Beauvais
The Life Sciences pre-engineering program is designed for students interested in biology and related fields.
This pathway leads to several major orientations, which are introduced in the pre-engineering cycle and developed in greater depth in 3rd year.
- Sustainable agriculture / Agronomy
- Food science and health prevention, subdivided in the 4th semester into :
- Food processing and bioprocesses
- Food and Health
Main findings
25% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
Semester 1
- Cell Biology
- Genetics
- General physiology (animal, plant, human)
- Animal systematics
Semester 2
- Structural biochemistry
- Plant biology and botany
- Formal and molecular genetics
- Functional organic chemistry
- Solution chemistry
Semester 3
- Metabolic biochemistry and enzymology
- Population genetics
- Immunology
- General microbiology: bacteriology
Semester 4
- Agro-industrial biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Ecosystem functioning
- Microbiology: mycology and virology
- Physics
15% of hourly volume in years 1 and 2
You choose one of the following two themes:
Semester 1
- Introduction to agricultural systems and sectors
- Environment and farm operations
Semester 2
- Pedology
- Botany
- Farm analysis
Semester 3
- General physiology (animal, plant)
- Project presentation
- Agronomy: soil, climate
- Applied animal physiology
Semester 4
- Agronomy: Agronomic sciences and techniques
- International agricultural sectors
- Rural sociology
- Introduction to animal nutrition
- Applied animal physiology
- Ecosystem functioning
Semester 1
- Issues and challenges surrounding food and food processing
- Introduction to the world of agrifood and health research
- Agrifood and health-related sectors and professions
Semester 2
- Product processing and safety
- Introduction to analytical chemistry
- Preparing for internships in the agri-food and preventive health sectors
- Regulation of major functions and thermoregulation
Semester 3
- Analytical chemistry applied to the food industry
- Food allergies and autoimmune diseases
- Digestive and absorption physiology
- Back to production systems
Semester 4
In semester 4, you will be asked to choose between two options:
Food processing and bioprocessing
- Sociology of human eating behavior
- Human nutrition
- Physiology of development and aging
- The ingredient at the interface of food and health sciences
- Practical approach to marketing, R&D and quality in the food industry
- Introduction to bioprocesses
- Organization of industrial systems
Nutrition and health
- Sociology of human eating behavior
- Human nutrition
- Physiology of development and aging
- The ingredient at the interface of food and health sciences
- Communication and intracellular signalling
- Microbiology and virology in healthcare
- Organization of healthcare systems