Mardi 28 mars 2023

The INTERACT research unit has just formalized its participation in two new research projects: CoEDiTAg and NINSAR.

The dynamics of the Polytechnic Institute's research units continue. For example, the InTerACT research unit, whose mission is to better understand the processes of innovation towards sustainable development in agriculture, agribusiness and agro-industry and their conditions for success, has just made official its participation in two scientific projects:

CoEDiTAg (Coevolution of equipment, digital technologies and agroecological models).

CoEDiTAg aims to understand the coevolution between the development trajectories of Digital Equipment and Technologies (DEiTs) and the transformation of structures, arrangements and organizations in the agricultural sector. This project is based on the hypothesis that the direction of this coevolution is not predetermined and that it depends, to a large extent, on the strategies of the actors, their socio-economic interactions and public policies. CoEDiTAg is coordinated by INRAE and brings together several partners including UniLaSalle. This project is financed by the ANR PEPR (Priority Research Program and Equipment) Agroecology and Digital (France 2030) and includes the recruitment of a post-doctoral student and two interns.

NINSAR (Innovative agro-ecological itineraries using collaborative robotics)

The NINSAR project aims to develop robotic approaches for the realization of new cultural practices, capable of acting as a lever for agroecological practices.

Coordinated by INRIA, NINSAR brings together several partners including UniLaSalle. Financed by the ANR PEPR Agroecology and Digital (France 2030), this 5-year project plans to recruit a doctoral student for the start of the academic year 2023.