Vendredi 07 avril 2023

Every year for the last 11 years, the 1st year Bachelor Environment and Sustainable Development students organize and run the Sustainable Development awareness day, otherwise known as Green Day.

For this edition, the 20 Bachelor students have been working since September to federate different publics around the theme "Peace, our battle" largely inspired by the sustainable development objective N°16.

Objectifs du développement durable ODD


ODD 16 : Justice paix institutions efficaces

Supervised by UniLaSalle Rennes' Sustainable Development Officer and a communications teacher, the Bachelor students are invited to imagine and create this event from start to finish:

  • by proposing a program adaptable to different audiences. To do so, they must come up with original ideas while providing objective and structured information content.   
  • by creating a communication kit including understandable visuals for the general public, publications on social networks, a logo, etc.

Between creativity, investigation and initiation, each year the event is a success because of the involvement and the motivation of the Bachelor to raise awareness and play the role of facilitators.

More than 150 people took part in this edition: high school students from the Rennes Metropolis (invited in the framework of the Cordées de la Réussite), employees and students of the school.

To introduce the morning

  • Local and anti-gaspi breakfast

Fun, participative and educational workshops

  • The Bachelor-students propose 4 workshops on "Living together" and "the stakes linked to planetary resources". Question and answer game, collaboration, exchanges and sharing.
    Workshop N°1 : Countries and their resources : game in small teams, maps and resource hunting
    Workshop N°2 : Peace in daily life : scenarios of daily situations
    Workshop N°3 : Preserving peace in the world, clues to encourage mutual aid, sharing and solidarity
    Workshop N°4 : The Mystery Ball > team game to raise awareness by answering general knowledge questions


Meal organized and hosted by the Student Office

  • Barbecue with vegetarian and omnivorous meals

Conference and movie-debate

  • Will a better education lead to peace? animated by Roland Nivet, ambassador of the peace movement
  • Screening of excerpts from documentaries and films related to peace, debate with Roland Nivet
Affiche Green Day Bachelor Environnement et DD 
Poster created by the Bachelor students themselves !
Accueil Green Day 2023 Bachelor Environnement
Hosting of Green Day 2023


Groupe Bachelor environnement le jour J
Bachelor Environment Group on D-day, they were ready!