Vendredi 02 juin 2023

The 2nd Apprenticeship Day took place on June 1, 2023 at UniLaSalle Rennes. It was a great opportunity to exchange ideas and work together to support apprentices in these emerging environmental professions.

At UniLaSalle, apprenticeship is a three-way relationship

We were fortunate to be able to bring together apprenticeship masters, tutors and apprentices for one day.

The morning's discussions focused on :

    compare the views of the various supervisors (professionals and academics) and student-apprentices
    understanding the needs of professionals and setting out their expectations in terms of interpersonal skills, business integrity and know-how
    highlight the complementary nature of the skills acquired in the bachelor's degree and environmental engineering programs offered at the school.

The program opened the floor to discussion and feedback on the variety of situations in Environmental Engineering, the international period for apprentice engineers, the skills associated with the Bachelor's degree in Environment and Sustainable Development and MSc in Environmental Engineering, and the needs and expectations of companies.

In the afternoon, 2 workshops were held to reflect on in-company experiences and their use as a basis for assessing apprentices' skills?
On one side, the supervisors, on the other, the apprentices.

Testimonials: What qualities do apprenticeship supervisors look for in apprentices?

Representatives of apprenticeship organizations have expressed their expectations regarding the profiles they are looking for. Of course, future technical skills are important. But what's also important are soft skills, those human skills that make the difference when it comes to integrating into an existing team, gradually gaining in autonomy and self-confidence, being a force for innovation...

And everyone agrees that mentors (professional or academic) have a role to play in this. They are there "to nurture and help apprentices grow. I like to know that Marine feels well integrated into the company and that she's progressing with us. It's a great professional mission!" said a representative from LDC Groupe.

On the other hand, the apprentices feel well supervised, with effective monitoring (a little too restrictive at times!).

This three-way relationship is essential for the well-being and skills development of all concerned.

At the end of the day, ideas converged, enabling us to move forward together on areas for improvement.

Atelier journée apprentissage métiers de l'environnement  Echanges journée apprentissage métiers de l'environnement  Table ronde journée apprentissage métiers de l'environnement