Lundi 12 octobre 2020

For this year 2020-2021, the UniLaSalle campus in Beauvais is pleased to welcome four new PhD students from different programs and institutions. They are interested in a wide variety of issues and fields.

Charline Richard :

She was recruited by the PETALES team of the Processing and Agroresources unit (EA 7519) as a doctoral student of the ADAGIO project, under the responsibility of Pauline Anton and Nicolas Barbezier.

Within the framework of this project supported by the European Regional Development Fund, she will carry out studies with the various partners (the University of Ghent, and the companies Sanluc and Genoscreen) aimed at evaluating the health properties of a nutritional solution for livestock and humans.

Elena Fourcroy :

Elena is working on a thesis on the spreading of digestate, and will be supervised by Sylvie Lupton, professor-researcher in agro-environmental economics, and head of the Risk Management Chair in Agriculture & Lucian Ceapraz, professor-researcher in agro-economics.

Soua Kefi :

Soua is working on a thesis on the design of a framework for the analysis of the adequacy of agricultural equipment to the agro-ecological transition, using leguminous crops in Hauts-de-France as a case study. The thesis will be co-supervised by Michel Dubois and Davide Rizzo. This project will be funded by the Agro-Machinism and New Technologies Chair and will benefit from a research grant from the Hauts-de-France Region. Souha will be a member of the InTerACT research unit and enrolled in the doctoral school of the Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC).

Muriel N'Dah :

Under the direction of Maryem CHERNI, professor-researcher in strategy & innovation, and holder of the AAA chair, Murielle's thesis will focus on the "Sustainability of family entrepreneurship in agriculture & food. What contributions to collaborative innovations?".