Analyze the employability of our young graduates in order to adapt our training to the job market.

The integration observatory collects and analyzes the figures for the professional integration of our young graduates.

By means of an annual survey, it measures, for each training course, the main indicators related to employability: net employment rate, remuneration, share of permanent contracts, average time spent looking for the first job, functions and sectors of activity...

These statistics enable us to analyse in detail the professional opportunities of our young graduates and to identify the major trends in the labour market in the target sectors of activity. All of this valuable information is used to constantly adapt the content of training courses to the expectations of companies.  


Professional integration of our young graduates - CGE 2021 survey

Net employment rate

The net employment rate corresponds to the proportion of the working population in active employment as a proportion of the working population. It includes young graduates who are volunteering but excludes those who are continuing their studies or completing a thesis.

On leaving school

Taux net d'emploi : 88%

After 1 year

taux net d'emploi : 95%

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi : 96%

Open-ended contracts

On leaving school

taux de CDI : 67,8%

After 1 year

taux de CDI : 85,4%

After 2 years

taux de CDI : 85,6%

Share of employment contracts with executive status

On leaving school

Taux de cadres : 54,8%

After 1 year

Taux de cadres : 67%

After 2 years

Taux de cadres : 67,8%

Net employment rate

The net employment rate corresponds to the proportion of the working population in active employment as a proportion of the working population. It includes young graduates who are volunteering but excludes those who are continuing their studies or completing a thesis.

On leaving school

taux net d'emploi : 83,3%

After 1 year

taux net d'emploi : 96,2%

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi : 95,1%

Open-ended contracts

On leaving school

taux de CDI : 79,7%

After 1 year

taux de CDI : 71,4%

After 2 years

taux de CDI : 89,2%

Share of employment contracts under executives status

On leaving school

taux de cadres : 50%

After 1 year

taux de cadres : 46,5%

After 2 years

taux de cadres : 67,7%

Net employment rate

The net employment rate corresponds to the proportion of the working population in active employment as a proportion of the working population. It includes young graduates who are volunteering but excludes those who are continuing their studies or completing a thesis.

On leaving school

taux net d'emploi : 69,9%

After 1 year

taux net d'emploi : 91%

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi : 86,7%

Open-ended contracts

On leaving school

taux de CDI : 57,7%

After 1 year

taux de CDI : 69,3%

After 2 years

taux de CDI : 78,1%

Share of employment contracts under executive status

On leaving school

taux de cadres : 56,3%

After 1 year

taux de cadres : 60,9%

After 2 years

taux de cadres : 60,3%

Net employment rate

The net employment rate corresponds to the proportion of the working population in active employment as a proportion of the working population. It includes young graduates who are volunteering but excludes those who are continuing their studies or completing a thesis.

On leaving school

taux net d'emploi : 70,8%

After 1 year

taux net d'emploi : 75%

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi : 93%

Open-ended contracts

On leaving school

taux de CDI : 29%

After 1 year

taux de CDI : 62%

After 2 years

taux de CDI : 79%

Share of employment contracts under executive status

On leaving school

taux de cadres : 86%

After 1 year

taux de cadres : 88%

After 2 years

taux de cadres : 74%

Net employment rate

The net employment rate corresponds to the proportion of the working population in active employment as a proportion of the working population. It includes young graduates who are volunteering but excludes those who are continuing their studies or completing a thesis.

On leaving school

taux net d'emploi : 79,4%

After 1 year

taux net d'emploi : 90%

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi : 95%

Open-ended contracts

On leaving school

taux de CDI : 68%

After 1 year

taux de CDI : 55%

After 2 years

taux de CDI : 70%

Share of employment contracts under executive status

On leaving school

taux de cadres : 95%

After 1 year

taux de cadres : 86%

After 2 years

taux de cadres : 89%

The net employment rate

The net employment rate is the proportion of the working population that is employed. It includes young graduates in voluntary service but excludes those who are still studying or doing a thesis.

On leaving school

taux net d'emploi 2021 - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique


After 1 year

taux net d'emploi 2021 après 1 an - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique

After 2 years

taux net d'emploi 2021 après 2 ans - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique

Open-endeds contracts


On leaving school

part de CDI - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur en Energie et Numérique

After 1 year

part de CDI après 1 an - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur en Energie et Numérique

After 2 years

part de CDI après 2 ans - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur en Energie et Numérique

Share of employment contracts under executive status

On leaving school

Taux de cadres - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique

After 1 year

Taux de cadres après 1 an - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique

After 2 years

Taux de cadres après 2 ans - Enquête CGE 2021 - Ingénieur Energie et Numérique