"I accepted a job at Enviro Services, a research consultancy in Luxembourg, specializing in the environment and polluted sites for classified installations in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. For seven years, I worked on water resources, decontamination techniques, and groundwater modelling.

In 2007, I joined ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) as an interregional project manager to support the cleanup of polluted sites known as "orphan". In 2009, I moved to Angers, to the ADEME headquarters, this time to coordinate the agency's cleanup work. While I still manage specific subjects, my activity becomes more managerial with the supervision of the work carried out by a team of 17 people.

In 2013, I took over responsibility for the Products and Materials Efficiency Department and managed a team of 30 people. A position that requires less field work, but more strategy with real sustainable development issues. "

Portrait extracted from the magazine Trait d'Union de LaSalle Beauvais Alumni n°379, published in the 4th quarter of 2015. Interview: Marion LECOSTEY (General Delegate LaSalle Beauvais Alumni).