Bertrant POIRIER (Geology, 2003) is a former technician who obtained the rank of engineer thanks to the valorization of the assets. He carries out drilling and hydrogeological prospecting in search of drinking water.

"Following my end-of-study internship at SLN (ERAMET) in New Caledonia, I stayed in this territory to work in mining exploration. The teaching provided at IGAL [editor's note: the former name of UnilaSalle's Geology branch] was well suited to the skills needed for this profession: cartography, structural geology, petrography, mineralogy, chemistry... and field work.

Mining exploration in New Caledonia is ideal for those who are eager to discover virgin spaces. My job was to study mining massifs, often with a breathtaking view of the lagoon. While specializing in exploration, I later worked in the mining environment, particularly on rehabilitation sites for orphaned mines.

These missions brought me a lot in terms of management, in the follow-up of public procurement files and I found other applications to cartography than face recognition. This is how I developed my skills in geomatics, which are essential for a geologist.

Back in France for four years, still with the aim of expanding my geological knowledge, I turned to hydrogeology. I am currently working in a consulting firm - Geo Hydro Investigation - specialized in the diagnosis of water works thanks to televised controls and deferred logging.

With my engineering degree in hand, I have become fully aware of my abilities and with new skills acquired in project management and English, I am now thinking of going back to the international market or setting up my own structure. "

Portrait extracted from the magazine Trait d'Union de LaSalle Beauvais Alumni n°372, published in the 1st quarter of 2014. Interview: Philippe OTT D'ESTEVOU (Geology, 1980).