Mercredi 08 décembre 2021

World Climate Day 2021: an opportunity to take stock of COP26

UniLaSalle was lucky enough to be represented by a student-engineer from the Rennes Campus: Manon. The latter benefited from an accreditation and it is an exceptional chance since the sanitary conditions made the entries very difficult.

Manon is an active member of the COP Trotter association which was created during the COP21 in Paris. The objective of this association is to work upstream and downstream of the COP (Conference of the Parties) in order to represent the youth and report on the different actions and decisions taken during these events. True spokespersons of the "Climate Generation"!

Manon's observer status gave her access to different places: the international pavilions, the conference rooms, the negotiations, and the companies' exhibition rooms.

"I was able to see the complexity of climate diplomacy, the exchanges are long and not very successful, but this is the reality and it is important to be aware of it. However, I realized that the event is very mobilizing. The civil society represented by associations, NGOs or observers like me organize conferences for example. And around the dedicated place, pacifist gatherings take place. It's very nice to see that: we're all here for the same cause."

Why go to the COPs?

UniLaSalle wants to send 4 students to each COP so that the youth is represented. This is a very rich experience in human terms and allows us to participate in political, economic and societal reflections. These are obviously the pillars at the heart of these events.

To better understand the stakes of the COPs and more particularly of the COP26, a document-balance sheet is available for everyone. Who participates in the COPs? How is a day organized? What meetings should be held? And a zoom on the article 6 which aims at reducing greenhouse gases (GHG), written during the COP21.

COP26 assessment by COP Trotter

Positive things, no matter what we say!

Manon was touched by "the energy of the civil society which is ready for changes through new technologies. The actors of innovation at the service of the transition and global warming are just waiting to be given the GO! But I noticed the contrast when I went to the negotiation room: the leaders are disconnected from this enthusiasm of the people. We need to keep the pressure on and for the younger generation to join forces with their elders who have the experience, background and hindsight to guide us."

To follow Manon and the COP Trotters on Instagram: @coptrotterbyunilasalleeme