True to its Lasallian heritage, UniLaSalle is an engineering school that is particularly involved in the inclusion of students with disabilities. Between personalized support and adapted facilities, find here all the measures implemented.

Do you have a disability and wish to pursue your higher education at UniLaSalle? We provide you with individualized follow-up to meet your specific needs in an adapted manner.

The Disability Mission, integrated into the Educational Mission and Student Life Department, is at your disposal to set up the tools and arrangements necessary for the smooth running of your studies.

The equipment

  • spelling and grammar checking software
  • campuses accessible to people with reduced mobility
  • elevators
  • access ramps in front of the main entrances of the amphitheatres
  • adapted rooms (Beauvais campus)
  • reserved parking spaces
  • lowered sidewalks
  • physical education sessions compatible with disability sports
  • transceiver and specific earmolds for hearing aids
  • French sign language interpretation is available for profoundly deaf students
  • podotactile strips

Upon request, the school can be equipped with low vision material:

  • remote magnifier   
  • ZoomText software   
  • monocular   
  • digital pen

Accommodations during examinations and written tests

Depending on your disability, you may benefit from specific accommodations, particularly during exams and written tests.

These arrangements also apply to able-bodied students with temporary disabilities.

In addition, we can adapt courses and field trips.

Key provisions

granting of "extra time" (you have extra time for the written exam)
loan of a laptop and/or a "secretary" if you are unable to write.

Special provisions for the admission tests

Written tests (FESIC prep)

The main provisions :

  • Increased time
  • Subjects printed in Braille   
  • Subjects printed in large print   
  • Provision of a computer...

To benefit from this, you must provide an MDPH certificate, which will be included in your application file.

Do not hesitate to contact the FESIC, which organizes the written tests, as well as our disability advisor.

Oral tests (motivation interview)

The main provisions :

  • Accessibility of our premises ;   
  • Presence of a sign language interpreter...

To take advantage of this, we invite you to contact our disability advisor as soon as possible.

In charge of the handicap mission
+33 (0)3 44 06 89 93