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Are you a witness to or victim of discrimination, harassment, homophobia, racism or gender-based or sexual violence? 

As part of its Lasallian educational project and the adoption of its ecological and societal transformation strategy, Uni4change, UniLaSalle wants its students to live and thrive in safe, serene and inclusive campuses. To this end, UniLaSalle has set up a system, deployed on every campus, for reporting and combating all forms of violence: discrimination, harassment, sexist and sexual violence, homophobia, racism...


This system is based on 4 pillars

Awareness / prevention

Training reference persons

Encouraging people to speak out / Caring for victims

Penalizing breaches

I am a victim or witness of violence: what can I do?

1 - I take action

  1. I make the victim feel safe
    1. I keep her away from the aggressor
    2. I don't leave her alone
    3. I accompany her to a calm, safe place (safe zone)
  2. I listen to the victim and reassure her in a caring and confidential manner

2 - I alert

If I am a victim or witness of sexist or sexual violence, I contact my campus's hotline.


And then...

Following a report, the information is transmitted to the listening unit and a response is given
within 24 hours: an appointment is proposed as soon as possible and within 7

After taking the time to welcome, listen to and support the victim in her experience and in the steps
and the steps they are taking, the members of the listening unit take an objective look at the facts.

The listening unit offers confidential support that respects the victim's wishes.
victim's wishes. It is only with the agreement of the victim and witness(es) that the helpline will forward
to the treatment and monitoring unit, made up of management, employee and student representatives.
and student representatives.

If the victim or witness confides in a trusted member of the teaching or administrative staff
or administrative staff, the latter will be obliged to report the incident to the

It is made up of two UniLaSalle employees or an employee/student pair, trained to combat all forms of violence
all forms of violence, and specifically on the issue of gender-based and sexual violence.
violence. A confidential and sympathetic ear is guaranteed.

UniLaSalle may decide to take precautionary and protective measures, such as
measures, such as banning access to the campus, etc.

In addition, the members of the listening unit are available to provide support
and facilitate internal support initiatives, as well as helping to put people in touch with
professionals and associations outside the campus.

Following the summons of the persons in question, and insofar as the facts reported are confirmed
will be discussed by the management team, in accordance with the legal and regulatory framework
and regulations that apply to all citizens and institutions (reporting to the public prosecutor, supporting
to the public prosecutor, support and assistance in filing a complaint) and in compliance with campus
(sanctions, disciplinary board, precautionary dismissal, temporary or permanent exclusion
or permanent exclusion, according to the seriousness of the facts and the progress of any
potential legal proceedings).

Report Amiens
Report Beauvais
Report Rennes
Report Rouen