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With an index of 98 out of 100, UnilaSalle confirms its action for many years in terms of professional equality between women and men.


In order to end unjustified wage gaps between women and men, the Minister of Labor introduced an index of professional equality between men and women by the law for the freedom to choose one's professional future of September 5, 2018.

The objective of this measure is to determine the level of commitment of companies through five indicators:

  • Pay gap between women and men,   
  • Difference in rates of individual increases,   
  • Difference in promotion rates,   
  • Number of employees increased upon return from maternity leave,   
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender in the company's ten highest paid positions.

Our results

After several years of commitment and initiatives in terms of professional equality, UniLaSalle obtains very positive results.

  • 2018: index score of 98 points out of 100.   
  • 2019: index score of 98 points out of 100.   
  • 2020: index score of 98 points out of 100.   
  • 2021: index score of 99 points out of 100.   
  • 2022 : UniLaSalle obtains an index score of 98 points out of 100



Indicators Points obtained Maximum number of points for the indicator
1 - Pay gap (in %) 38 40
2 - Differences in individual increases (in % points) 20 20
3 - Promotional differences (in % points) 15 15
4 - Percentage of employees receiving a raise upon return from maternity leave 15 15
5 - Number of employees of the underrepresented gender in the 10 highest earners 10 10
INDEX (out of 100 points) 98 100