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You can contribute to the L.I.F.E. campaign:

  • By making a donation to L.I.F.E.; there are several ways in which you can make a one-off, monthly or multi-year donation, either personally or on behalf of your company;
  • By giving your time and becoming a contact person.

You are a private individual

You can make a one-off or long-term cash donation, by cheque, direct debit or online.

Simple financial donations give rise to tax deductions on your income tax or IFI (deductions cannot be combined). 

Income tax deductions 

Any financial sponsorship donation entitles you to an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donation made (up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income; beyond this limit, you can carry forward the excess amount for 5 years and benefit from the tax deduction under the same conditions). Once your tax return has been deducted, your donation will amount to just 34% of the sum you have chosen to donate to L.I.F.E. 

Real estate wealth tax deductions 

If you are subject to the Impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) tax, you can benefit from a tax deduction of 75% of the amount of your donation, on this tax. 

This type of donation is similar to a gift, but is accompanied by a notarial deed by which the owner can transfer the usufruct of a property or rights for a specific period. In this way, bare ownership is retained, and only the usufruct of the property is given temporarily. At the end of the term stipulated in the deed, usufruct and bare ownership are automatically reunited, and the donor regains full ownership of the property.

This is not a sophisticated arrangement reserved for large estates, but a tool that can be used to support a project through the income generated by the property, or simply by making premises or equipment available.

Tax advantages: the donor no longer has to pay the related income tax. In addition, the property is no longer included in the calculation of the Impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) for the duration of the donation. 

Whatever the size of your estate, you can decide to bequeath to UniLaSalle the part of your assets that is not reserved for your heirs. Real estate (house, land, farm) or personal property (shares, life insurance policy) can benefit the cause you support at the school after your death.

To set up a bequest, all you need to do is draw up a will: the safest solution is to go through your notary.

The legal status of the Fondation Jean-Baptiste Gagne means that bequests are exempt from inheritance tax.

If you have no direct descendants, a direct bequest to the Foundation minimizes the inheritance tax cost without harming your indirect heirs. (Where applicable, the Fondation Jean-Baptiste Gagne undertakes to pay the amount due to the indirect heirs). 

You are a company

Unlike sponsorship, corporate philanthropy is a long-term commitment by your company to a cause of general interest (education, research, etc.), with no impact on your company's commercial activities. 

Corporate income tax deductions

Whatever form of donation you choose to make on behalf of your company (cash, in-kind, etc.), it is tax-deductible up to 60% of the amount of your corporate income tax (up to a limit of 0.5% of sales, with the possibility of carrying the excess forward for the next 5 years, if the company is making a loss or exceeds the authorized threshold). 

Any amount of money, no matter how small, can contribute to research and teaching at UniLaSalle. Quick and efficient, your donation is an expression of your company's support for the cause of your choice. Your one-off or long-term donation can be made by cheque, direct debit or online.

In the case of a multi-year donation, a sponsorship agreement will be drawn up. 

It enables you to make your company's products available free of charge to the project of your choice. In this way, your company acts in its field of expertise and makes a tangible contribution to the project. Sponsorship in kind gives rise to a tax receipt based on the cost price of the goods supplied. 

It enables you to make the skills of your company's employees available to UniLaSalle free of charge. Whether for services or teaching, skills sponsorship gives rise to the issue of a tax receipt based on the invoiced price (excluding VAT) of the service provided. 

Becoming an intermediary

Whether you are a company director, an alumnus or an individual, you can support the L.I.F.E. campaign without making a financial contribution, but by giving your time.  

Each and every one of you can contribute to UniLaSalle's development by becoming a campaign ambassador or relay person:

  • with your company ;
  • with your class of alumni;
  • within your region. 


To get involved and participate in the campaign's evolution, don't hesitate to contact the development office.

You'll then have a privileged place in the campaign's communication and will be associated with its key moments. 

Communications & Sponsorship Director