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In L'Etudiant's latest ranking of engineering schools, published in January 2022, UniLaSalle performed extremely well in its relations with companies.

L'Etudiant has just published its 2022 ranking of engineering schools. UniLaSalle appears to be a leading school in terms of relations with companies and preparation for professional integration for the specialties it offers, based on 4 selected criteria: the exit salary, the policy of teaching and research chairs, the number of companies present at forums, and the number of alumni on the Linkedin network. 

These results complement the recent Happy@school 2022 label for schools where students are the most motivated and happy, awarded for the third year running to its 4 sites: Amiens, Beauvais, Rennes and Rouen. Of the 1,238 engineering students who responded to the ChooseMyCompany survey, 85% felt that "My school puts me in touch with companies that interest me", 87% that "My school seeks to develop a network of partner companies that want to have a positive impact on the environment and/or society", and 91% that "My school provides me with services that are useful for my professional development (defining a career plan, CV advice, etc.)". So much proof that proximity to companies is at the heart of the concerns of the UniLaSalle group's four establishments. 

From a methodological point of view, l'Etudiant's ranking uses declarative data from two sources: certified data from the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (©CTI - Year 2021) and press data from the Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs (©CDEFI - Year 2021). Of the 172 of the 200 French engineering schools that took part, 136 are public and 36 private.

It should be noted that UniLaSalle does not appear in the following fields of expertise: industrial engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, digital engineering and information systems, although they are present within UniLaSalle-Amiens (ex-ESIEE-Amiens), as the data used by l'Etudiant predates 2021, the date of the merger between the two schools. See you in 2023!