Tomorrow is written today
UniLaSalle is unique in France for its cross-disciplinary expertise in agronomy, food, geosciences, environment and health prevention, both in terms of training and research. This is why UniLaSalle has placed sustainable development at the heart of its strategic plan. Global warming, falling biodiversity, overexploitation of natural resources, soil degradation, growing inequalities...
Faced with ever more pressing environmental and social challenges, UniLaSalle intends to respond to the primary mission of education: to train citizens who are aware of the world's issues and ready to take up the challenges. Acting for sustainable development, in its scientific, economic, environmental and social components, has become a necessity.

- Raise awareness and train students in the challenges of sustainable development, and, above all, get them moving so that they can become agents of change;
- Put its research activities at the service of sustainable development in order to increase knowledge and transfer new solutions to the economic world;
- Understand how natural environments function; preserve soil and water;
- Produce differently for health and the environment;

- Innovating for agro-ecological practices;
- Building sustainable agro-industrial sectors and territories;
- Deciphering individual and collective behavior; understanding transition processes and societal acceptability;
- Studying sedimentary basins; valorizing and developing renewable energies;
Some actions...
- UniLaSalle is an active member of Comité 21 and REFEDD (student network for sustainable development).
- UniLaSalle is fully committed to the 2030 Agenda
- 100% of engineering students carry out a 3-month project on a sustainable development issue
- Integration week includes an environmental project
- 100 hours of volunteer work in the local community thanks to the "Innover - Entreprendre - Servir" program
- On our campuses, we pay particular attention to reducing our ecological footprint
On our campuses...
In Rouen, students have set up an AMAP (Association pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne).
In Rennes, a new waste collection system has been set up, with the removal of individual garbage cans, the creation of voluntary drop-off points and awareness-raising on recycling.
In Beauvais, food waste at the CROUS restaurant was reduced by 36% in 6 months.
In Amiens, a recycling circuit for electronic components has been set up.