Located in Mont-Saint-Aignan, on a wooded area 15 minutes walk from downtown Rouen, the Rouen campus offers the opportunity to practice many activities after classes.
In addition to the numerous sports facilities (swimming pool, stadiums, equestrian centres...), which border the school, UniLaSalle Rouen offers the possibility of joining one of the associations housed on its premises.
From AMAP (Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture) to karting, beekeeping, music, oenology or junior enterprise, every student can get involved and even create his own association!
Student office
The BDE represents the students with the school management and organizes, manages, enriches and animates everyday life on campus.
3 main missions:
To be the link between students and the school management
Develop a network of relationships with surrounding schools
Coordinating campus life and managing campus living spaces
Composed of a dozen students from all classes, it is financed by student contributions, a grant from the school and the help of various partners.
The members of the BDE meet regularly with the BDEs of the other schools on the Rouen university campus in order to organise joint events (parties, sports, competitions, etc...).

"This experience will give us skills and maturity!"

"This experience will give us skills and maturity!"
The UniLaSalle Roeun sports office is the other major association of the school in terms of budget and number of members. The BDS is in charge of the organization of sports life at UniLaSalle Rouen, whether in leisure or in competition, individually or in a teams: rugby, football, volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis, horse riding, swimming...
The BDS also deals with the organization of specific sporting events:
- The kick off, a football tournament opposing all the students of the school as well as the staff
- The tein : the Normandy Engineering Schools Tournament which opposes in a friendly atmosphere nearly 600 students from 9 engineering schools in Normandy.
- The Rouen Normandie Sup Cup: for all students of the Rouen metropolis. It's a rather special multi-sports challenge which takes place at the Kindarena in a lively atmosphere. On the programme : dodgeball, indoor rowing tournament, volleyball tournament, choreography competition, running relay, human table football, tug-of-war...
And many other events...
UniLaSalle projects is association that allows students of UniLaSalle - Rouen campus to put their theoretical teaching into practice by carrying out studies or projects for a wide variety of clients, often from the agricultural or agri-food industry.
While gaining professional exprerience or learning about entrepreneurship during their studies, the Junior Enterprise allows students to be remunerated for the action carried out.
- The Club DJ is in charge of UniLaSalle Rouen's musical programming
- The Music Club has about twenty musicians, three women singers and many different instruments. The group performs on many occasions and notably during the school gala.
- At the Rock Club, you go there to perfect your swing and become the king of the dance floor!
- Zoom Esitpa, a club where you can practice your photography skills!
- The Drawing Club: whether you're a novice or an experienced artist, everyone can express their atistic talents.
- The Board Games Club: In small groups or in a large numbers, another way to meet each other
- The Oenology Club invites you to develop your taste buds and discover the wine-producing regions of France and elsewhere.
- At each event, the UniLaSalle Rouen Cheerleaders are there to support their school. Every year, the club participates in the Cheerleaders competition organized during the Metropole Sup Cup.
- Ball trap requires precision and reflexes to hit its target.
- The Video Game Club: In front of the screen but never alone, face each other in a friendly atmosphere!
- Esitpa Connexion : Organised for nearly 20 years, the 4L Trophy is both a sporting and humanitarian challenge. It is a gigantic orienteering race in the Morrocan Desert. For 10 days over more than 6,000 km, the crews made of pair of students must fce the desert on board a 4L. Discover sumptuous landscapes in an extraordinary atmosphere with a major objective: to bring school supplies to the most destitute children in Morroco. This is what the association Esitpa connexion offers by allowing you to participate in this fantastic adventure.
- Esitpa Karting is an association whose flagship event is the participation in the 24 hours karting of ESSEC Business School. A whole training program is set up in partnership with a karting circuit near Roeun to prepare for this event.
The ISPVD for Engineers Supporting Developing Countries is the student humanitarian association of UniLaSalle - Rouen Campus. It supports and coordinates actions of international solidarity in different countries: Madagascar, togo, India... For two years, the ISPVD has been involved in the implementation of a seed center in Madagascar with the support of the Haute-Normandie region and each year between 5 and 10 students are involved in the monitoring and development of this project. Of course, the ISPVD does not excluded to get involved on other fronts, it is up to you.
- With AMAP Miam, eat fresh products! The student association Miam is an AMAP that helps local producers sell their products by establishing a direct link between them, the students and the school staff. Deliveries of baskets of vegetables, fruits or dairy products are made directly with the school with every other Tuesday.
- The Beekeeping Club takes care of UniLaSalle Rouen's beehives and produces the school's honey.
- Uniagri gives you the opportunity to discover in groups farms or companies in the agricultural sector with a special characteristics.
- The association "Les jardins étudiants de Mont-Saint-Aignan" manages and ecological student garden. It is not strictly speaking a UniLaSalle Rouen student association but an inter-institution student initiative that offers all students on the Mont-Saint-Aignan campus the opportunity to come gardening and grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. This project is also part of a sustainable development approach. The land, made available by the Crous, is also and above all a place of conviviality, learning, sharing and open-mindedness. Of course, the agricultural engineering students of UniLaSalle Rouen have their rigthful place in this association.
- The Gala Club: every year to celebrate the new graduates of the school, a memorable evening is organized : the Gala! And to prepare this magnificent party, the students themselves have only one challenge: to do better than the previous years!
- Every year, the TEIN brings together nearly 600 engineering students from 9 schools: EnsiCaen, Esix, Esitc Caen, Insa, UniLaSalle, Ispa, Isel,Eamea and Esigelec. This tournament, which takes place every year, offers sports activities such as football, handball, basketball, volleyball, rugby, disguised cross-country, sailing, rowing, petanque and tug-of-war.It is friendly sporting event.
- The EDHEC Cruise Race brings together students from 150 schools and around 20 different countries. The CCE comprises 3 events : a regatta at sea, a nature raid and a sand sports competition
- Organized every year at the beginning of the school year, the Zazimuts offer a week of free activities and outings to welcome new students and help them discover our cultural heritage!
- The Rouen Normandie Sup' Cup is a multi-sports challenge which aims to welcome students to the Rouen Normandie Metropolitan area for the new academic year. The competition takes place at the Kindarena in Rouen and offers athletics, volleyball, dodgeball and in-door rowing events
On the initiative of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis and CESAR (Conference of Higher Education of the Rouen Metropolitan Area), the Rouen Normandie SUP' CUP is a multi-sports challenge whose aim is to welcome students to the territory of the Rouen Normandy Metropolis for the new academic year.
The competition takes place at the Kindarena. Students compete in disciplines such as: athletics, indoor rowing, volleyball or, more fun, dodgeball and human table football.
A renowned student city, Rouen organises every year in November a week of free activities and outings to welcome new students and help them discover its heritage.
Several events are offered to them to discover and get to know the city: cinema or theatre evenings, guided tours of heritage sites or museums, sports tournaments at the skating rink... Rouen's student associations are heavily involved and take part in this festival, which every year reaches more than 4,000 young people from universities and colleges.
The highlight of the week, the Zazimuts evening, brings together at the City Hall more than 1,500 students and some forty associations and services for a major festive gathering.
The TEIN, Tournament of the Engineering Schools of Normandy, sees students from 10 Normandy engineering schools compete each year.
Students compete in several disciplines: Basketball, badminton, football, tennis, handball, relay, rugby, volleyball, long jump.
TEIN is:
- 10 schools
- 1000 students
- 10 disciplines
- 90 volunteers