Opening up to the world, discovering other ways of learning, improving your language skills, gaining autonomy... So many good reasons to go on a student mobility trip!
That's why at UniLaSalle, every engineering student has at least one experience in one of our 257 international partner universities.

Outre l’acquisition de connaissances solides, mes chances d’être recruté rapidement et sans difficultés par une compagnie pétrolière se voyaient augmentées.

En 5e année, j'ai eu la chance de partir 1 an faire un double diplôme en Angleterre à l'Université de Cranfield situé à moins d'1h de Londres. Cette expérience m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances solides tout en bénéficiant d'une pédagogie très différente et aussi de perfectionner mon anglais. Dans ce cadre, j'ai pu me construire un équilibre de vie unique: alliant cours, soirées, activités sportives variées (danse internationale, jujitsu, yoga...) et surtout des amitiés de tous horizons !

Outre l’acquisition de connaissances solides, mes chances d’être recruté rapidement et sans difficultés par une compagnie pétrolière se voyaient augmentées.

En 5e année, j'ai eu la chance de partir 1 an faire un double diplôme en Angleterre à l'Université de Cranfield situé à moins d'1h de Londres. Cette expérience m'a permis d'acquérir des connaissances solides tout en bénéficiant d'une pédagogie très différente et aussi de perfectionner mon anglais. Dans ce cadre, j'ai pu me construire un équilibre de vie unique: alliant cours, soirées, activités sportives variées (danse internationale, jujitsu, yoga...) et surtout des amitiés de tous horizons !
Go-LaSalle, a first international experience
At the start of your 3rd year in one of our engineering programs, you'll join one of La Salle's partner universities for a semester at the end of the world!
This semester is an opportunity for you to discover the realities of the Lasallian network and benefit from your first international experience in a reassuring environment, alongside your fellow students.
Study semester
During the 5th year of your engineering course, the study semester gives you the opportunity to train in an international context, while benefiting from academic recognition (ECTS credits). It's also an opportunity to deepen your training in a specific theme that complements your studies at UniLaSalle.
Dual degree
Earn two degrees instead of one? It's possible, thanks to the dual degree, which is a real plus on your CV. Depending on the type of degree you choose, your stay at the host university lasts between 12 and 24 months. UniLaSalle covers up to €3,600 of the costs at the host university. Depending on the destination, the dual degree can be taken without any extension of the study period, or with an extension of 6 to 12 months. It can also open the door to a specialization not offered at UniLaSalle. The dual degree is taken in the 5th year of the engineering program.
Some Dual Degree destinations
- Corporación Universitaria Lasallista (Colombie)
- Cranfield University (Royaume-Uni)
- Ege University (Turquie)
- HAFL Bern (Suisse)
- Heriot Watt University (Ecosse)
- Imperial College (Angleterre)
- INRS Laval (Canada)
- Universidad La Salle México (Mexique)
- Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (ESALQ) (Brésil)
- Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Espagne)
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Suede)
- TU Delft (Pays Bas)
- Universität Tübingen (Allemagne)
- Université St. Joseph (Liban)
- Università Degli Studi Di Milano (Italie)
- Universitat de Barcelona (Espagne)
- University of Helsinki (Finlande)
- University of Laval (Canada)
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) (Autriche)
- UQA Chicoutimi (Canada)
- Wageningen UR (Pays Bas)
- UQAM (Canada)
- F'SATI (Afrique du Sud)
- PUCV (Chili)
- Tatung University (Taiwan)
- BUPT (Chine)
Other destinations are possible on the student's initiative, in agreement with the Training Directors.
The international track
If you're an adventurer at heart and want to make the most of your international track record, it's possible!
All you need to do is meet 4 conditions:
- mobility in 3rd year
- mobility in 5th year
- language proficiency (tri-lingualism)
- internationalization assistance
You'll then be awarded the Parcours International label on your diploma.
Internships abroad
Many internships can be carried out abroad, across all engineering courses. When carried out abroad, internships enable students to gain professional experience in a context of cultural openness.
Internships available abroad :
- 1st year, up to 8 weeks in Europe
- Go-LaSalle: Semester or internship of your choice
- Voluntary internship in 3rd year
- Pre-engineering internship in 4th year: 16 weeks, possibly abroad
- End-of-studies internship in 5th year
A genuine project driven by the student, the gap year can be spent in a foreign country. Employment, VIE, volunteer work with an NGO... there are many ways to leave.
It's a highly enriching personal experience that lets you live out your dreams.
There are several grants available to finance your international mobility:
- Erasmus+ grants
- DGER scholarship from the Ministry of Agriculture
- Regional scholarships
- Hauts-de-France Mermoz scholarship
- Normandie - Pass' Monde scholarships