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Wednesday 21 December 2022

Congratulations to Préscillia for her thesis on the selective laser texturing of grain oriented and non-oriented electrical steels for the optimization of their permeability and losses in rotating electrical machines.

The defense of Préscillia Dupont's doctoral thesis was held on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., on UniLaSalle's Amiens campus (Edouard Branly Amphitheater).

The thesis, supervised by Jérôme Fortin, is entitled: "Selective laser texturing of grain-oriented and non-oriented electrical steels for the optimization of their permeability and losses in rotating electrical machines".

The whole UniLaSalle team congratulates Issifou for obtaining his thesis!

Jury :

- Afef KEDOUS-LEBOUC, G2ELab - Reporter
- Marie-Ange RAULET, Lyon 1 University - Reporter
- Abdelmounaïm TOUNZI, University of Lille - Examiner
- Abdelkader BENABOU, University of Lille - Examiner
- Stéphane PANIER, University of Picardie Jules Verne - Examiner
- Jérôme FORTIN, UniLaSalle Amiens - Thesis Director
- Olivier MALOBERTI, UniLaSalle Amiens - Academic co-supervisor
- Maxime PLOYARD, JEUMONT Electric - Industrial co-supervisor