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Tuesday 14 February 2023

UniLaSalle is part of group A of engineering schools.

According to the 2023 ranking of the Etudiant, UniLaSalle has taken a new step forward by integrating the A group of engineering schools, with a score of 51 out of 111. This is the culmination of several years of investment in redesigning its programs to meet the expectations of companies and the students' quest for meaning.

A place for the ecological and societal transition

The novelty of the year is the integration of two criteria associated with the ecological and societal transition, criteria that are consistent with the expectations of the younger generation. The first is parity, a criterion integrated into the "Student Diversity" index, while the second is the creation of a bonus for the 15 schools awarded the "Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility" label. These two points underline the Uni4Change strategy to train, research and act collectively for the ecological and societal transformation.

The corporate network as the backbone

L'Etudiant 2023 uses three criteria to evaluate the school's proximity to companies: the starting salary, the policy of teaching and research chairs, and the number of companies present at forums.

On a national scale, UniLaSalle appears to be a leading school in terms of relations with companies and in terms of preparation for professional integration for many specialties. With a score of 23/30, UniLaSalle ranks

What to remember?

UniLaSalle is part of group A of engineering schools. In the regions where its campuses are located, i.e. Brittany, Hauts-de-France and Normandy, UniLaSalle is a major player in its specialist fields: agriculture, agri-food, the environment, geosciences, energy and IT. UniLaSalle's strengths are its proximity to companies and its commitment to ecological and societal transformation.

L'Etudiant's ranking, a reliable methodology

From a methodological standpoint, L'Etudiant's rankings use declarative data from two sources: certified data from the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (©CTI - Year 2022) and press data from the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (©CDEFI - Year 2022). Of the 169 French engineering schools that participated, 134 are public institutions and 35 are private. The 11 ranking indicators remain unchanged overall. The only change is that the rating scale has been increased from 58 points to 111 points in order to better assert the specificities of each school on each criterion and, consequently, to facilitate the orientation of high school students.