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Monday 22 November 2021

The "Ateliers hors les murs" consist in mobilizing teams of students from different disciplines to develop a project with local actors on the theme of the revitalization of a town and its catchment area in connection with its territory.

In this context, UniLaSalle and ENSA Normandie are undertaking a partnership approach with the local actors of Rives-en-Seine with a view to training their students in the current problems of sustainable land development by confronting them with the realities of the situations.

Students in the MSc Urban agriculture and Green Cities at UniLaSalle and those in the Master's degree in Architecture Ville Territoire at ENSA Normandie are getting ready to experience total immersion for five days, supervised by teachers from both schools, in order to study the many issues involved in rehabilitating urban space using a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach. This approach mobilizes knowledge in architecture, ecology, planning and agronomy in order to develop and bring out the first orientations of transformation of the commune into a vegetated, nourishing, ecological and sustainable space.

The day of October 18 marked the launch of the workshop with a visit to the sites to be rehabilitated in the presence of Mayor Bastien Coriton, local elected officials and representatives of local authorities, including the Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande, the Etablissement Public Foncier de Normandie (EPFL), the DDTM (DDTM) and the federation of parks.

The newspaper Paris Normandie has written an article on this beautiful student project, to discover it:

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