What is I-SAFE-4-EU?
On November 2021, UniLaSalle Rouen had been awarded a grant for its Jean Monnet module, entitled International sustainable Agri-Business & Food engineering for the European Union (I-SAFE-4-EU).
I-SAFE-4-EU, the International sustainable Agri-Business & Food Engineering for the European Union Jean Monnet module is conducted by UniLaSalle Rouen campus and co-funded by the European Union under reference 101048041.
The 3-year project officialy started on March 1st, 2022 and will end on February 28th, 2025.
Three editions of this Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module will be organised in the frame of UniLaSalle international engineer programme I-SAFE (international Sustainable Agri-Business & Food Engineering).
It will serve as an example for French and european institutions, as we are planning, through our programme, to promote the first Jean Monnet module specialising in agriculture in France.
The interdisciplinary project on the EU is implemented through three complementary teaching units of the studies programme of the institution, linked to one another:
- Students are prepared for a one-week study trip in Brussels through various courses and academic activities.
- A one-week study trip organised each November in Brussels. This itinerant workshop consists of a series of various visits (company, institutes, agency, fields) on the theme "European agricultural policies from the inside"
- "Weekly seminars": invited speakers will present topics within their expertise on the European Union.
More information on the 1st I-SAFE-4-EU Jean Monnet module coming soon.
Tasks | Tasks Name | Description | Timeline |
1 | Implementation tab on the website | Information about the project | September - October |
2 | Study trip arrangement |
Transport, accomodation booking Lecturers arrangements |
April - November |
3 | Creating course & tutorial materials and itinerary |
Course materials Tutorial materials Pedagogical itinerary according to the training objectives |
April - October |
4 | Studying European institution and agricultural and environmental policies |
Students will be conducting research projects in order of focus on the European instituions, their evolutions and their functioning, especially regarding the agricultural and environmental policies 1,5H courses + 4,5H tutorials |
September - December |
5 | Courses and tutorials on farming systems in the European Union and all over the world | 9H courses + 4,5H tutorials | September - December |
6 | Implementation of the first weekly seminar marking the start of the project | A speaker will give a presentation on the construction of the European Union. | October - December |
7 | Data research and Fact-checking on eurostat and FAO-Stat |
Through tutorials in Computer labs, students will discover Eurostat and FAO stat. They will learn to extract data to compare agricultural situations and cheek facts by their own. 9H tutorials |
October - December |
8 | Implementation of the second weekly seminar | A speaker will give a presentation/reflection on european Union Institutions running, by using the experience collected by students during their study trip. | October - December |
9 | Evaluation of the students regarding their knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the European Union |
Oral presentation, debate and discussion Written evaluation |
October - December |
10 | Evaluation of the students regarding their knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of agricultural systems in europe and in the world |
Oral presentation Written evaluation |
October - December |
11 | Study trip in Brussels (Belgium) |
22H of conferences, visits and meeting are planned. An important time of their year, as they will learn a big amount of information about European institutions while they are there. In addition to those hours counting as educational, there will be a lot of time spent in transports, between Rouen and Brussels, then in Brussels itself |
October - December |
12 | Evaluation of the interest and satisfaction of students regarding the study trip | A survey will allow us to determine the interest of the students and the level of difficulty perceived for each activity (conference, meeting, visits) | October - December |
13 | Communication about the Jean Monnet Project and his results | Press, Web site, Social media | October - June Y+1 |
14 | Implementation of the third and the fourth weekly seminars | The students will be in charge of looking for the experts who should speak on the subject. | January - June Y+1 |
15 | Communication sent to high shools | During the open doors of the Campus UniLaSalle of rouen (3 times a year), a presentation of the Jean Monnet project and ots results for our students will be implemented. | January - June Y+1 |
16 | Communication aimed at all UniLaSalle Rouen students and staff | During the Erasmus Days that takes place every year, we would like to organise a presentation of the Jean Monnet project. this will also allow students and staff who have lived the study trip in Brussels to pass on their experience to stuedents who will be going there soon. | January - March Y+1 |
BRUSSELS STUDY TRIP - Provisional Programme
Study Visit - Exchange with the various actors of the European Union
Day 1:
European Commission
Theme: CAP, EU environmental policy, circular economy, plastic strategy, single use plastics, enlargement towards the West Blakan
Day 2:
European Parliament
Theme CAP 2021-2027 issues, energy environment policies and international trade affairs
Day 3:
Permanent Representaion of the Franch Republique to the European Union
Speakers and theme: Mrs Virginie JORISSEN, Delegate for European Agricultural Affairs, "Role of the French Republic's PR and information on current affairs".
Day 4:
Council of the European Union
Theme: BREXIT, Program of the six-month Presidency and affairs relating to foreign trade or the area of freedom, security and justice
Day 5:
Permanent Representation of the French Republic to the European Union
Speakers and theme: Mrs Virginie JORISSEN, delegate for European Agricultural Affairs, "Role of the french republic's PR and information on current affairs".
Speakers and topic: Mr. Paulo GOUVEIA, Chief Policy advisor, "Budget of the European Union in general and in particular the budget targeting the CAP".