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Through the concept of integral education, UniLaSalle aims to create optimal conditions for each young person to better understand themselves, open up to others and develop their talents. The implementation of UniLaSalle's educational project is facilitated by the Educational Missions and Student Life Department, which supports and encourages students in their projects.

The three pillars of our educational project

Care for every young person entrusted to our care

Educational support for students is UniLaSalle's primary mission. Our teams listen attentively and personally to each and every one of our students, monitoring their schooling, helping them organize events and dealing with any difficulties they may encounter.

A tutoring program has been set up for 1st year students to support their entry into higher education.

Involving everyone

Our educational project implies the involvement of everyone in the life of the school. Management of the educational mission and student life, teacher-researchers, administrative staff, students... All share the same values:

  • A sense of community
  • Respect for self and others
  • Ability to commit
  • A sense of justice
  • Commitment to fighting poverty

UniLaSalle also draws on the best educational practices of other Lasallian establishments, with which our school maintains frequent contact, both in France and abroad.

It is this involvement of everyone in the educational project that makes UniLaSalle unique.

Commitment and empowerment as vectors for self-fulfilment

At UniLaSalle, we believe that our students' involvement in community life, and more generally in the life of the school, is a unique experience in learning about responsibility. This extra-academic training is what the 18h/8h program is all about.

Involving students in school life and giving them a sense of responsibility is one of the key points of Lasallian pedagogy. At UniLaSalle, this is reflected in a rich student life.

Recognize and promote informal skills with OpenBadges

Experiences, community commitments and projects carried out during or in parallel with the academic curriculum are all opportunities for our students to acquire informal skills that are sometimes difficult to identify. 

UniLaSalle has decided to recognize and promote these skills through OpenBadges, a digital accreditation system created in 2011 by the Mac Arthur and Mozilla foundations, by signing the Bologna Declaration for open recognition. This project is fully in line with the "integral training" concept so dear to UniLaSalle.

The creation of UniLaSalle Bagdes began on the Rouen campus thanks to the regional "Badgeons la Normandie" initiative. It has now been extended to the entire group, benefiting all learners and employees, with 45 badges and over 600 students already benefiting. This recognition by the Institute enables students to showcase their skills to future recruiters.

The IES program

The success of our engineering students also lies in their mindset, in the fact that they never take things for granted, and that they are constantly on the lookout for ways to progress, build and develop.

The IES program - Innover, Entreprendre, Servir - is designed to make our students the protagonists of their own future, and to encourage them to make a positive contribution to their environment.

The IES program is...


  • Innovate through open, social and solidarity-based innovation projects;
  • Enterprising by taking on responsibilities in campus associations or carrying out entrepreneurial projects;
  • Serve the common good of the school, student life or public interest associations;
  • Serve those in need by developing solidarity actions and caring, fraternal relationships.


The Educational Mission and Student Life Department (DMVE), a key player in our educational project

a team that listens to students

When you arrive at UniLaSalle, you'll find a team at the DMVE that's totally dedicated to you:

  • To help you find your feet and ease your integration into your campus;
  • To offer you an attentive ear in complete confidentiality;
  • To guide you in your choices and commitments, both personal and academic.

In addition to providing individual, personalized support, the DMVE organizes numerous health prevention and awareness-raising campaigns for students on the major social issues that concern them: drugs, alcohol, sexuality...