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By donating to the L.I.F.E. campaign, you are participating in the development of structuring projects in the service of training, research and innovation. You encourage UniLaSalle to pursue its educational mission in keeping with Lasallian values, driven by openness to all and sustainable development. 

Education pour tous
bourse ADREG en faveur d'étudiants d'UniLaSalle

Making higher education accessible to all through the distribution of merit-based scholarships or scholarships based on social criteria is directly linked to UniLaSalle's Lasallian roots. Since 2013, over a million euros in scholarships have been distributed thanks to you. Thank you for your support! 

  • Study and project grants: remove the obstacles to higher education for students who cannot afford it, through the Access scheme, the Jean-Baptiste Gagne foundation and the ADREG grant. 

Find out more about scholarships awarded in 2021-2022.

  • Support for Mission Handicap: by financing the accommodations required for schooling, you promote the inclusion of a greater number of students with disabilities. 
Development of training courses
Etudiants d'UniLasalle lauréats des Robolympiades avec H3VR

Densify our training offering by opening up new courses in line with the needs of industry. Thanks to you, UniLaSalle has been able to create two teaching and research chairs:

  • Chair in Risk Management in Agriculture
  • Chair in Agricultural Machinery and New Technologies 
Innovative learning spaces
Etudiant testant la réalité virtuelle dans le GéoLab d'UniLaSalle

Since 2013, UniLaSalle has added new spaces, both physical and virtual, dedicated to learning.

  • GeoLab: 3D modeling, virtual reality, digital simulation... a new high-tech tool for teaching, research and innovation in the geosciences.
  • Renovation of LaFerme: 2,550m² of additional space, including classrooms, an amphitheatre, a reception hall and a collaborative work room mainly dedicated to entrepreneurship. 
  • Albert-de-Lapparent virtual museum : a website to preserve UniLaSalle's paleontological and geological heritage and make it accessible to all through documented records. 
Research projects
salade de fruits réalisée dans le cadre d'un atelier Auton'Al

Cancer nutrition

Communications & Sponsorship Director