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A dynamic of continuous improvement

With 30 points, UniLaSalle belongs to Group B of engineering schools, ranking 86th out of 168 schools ranked. This 9-point rise since the 2018 ranking testifies to the school's strong dynamism according to L'Etudiant's 4 criteria: academic excellence, proximity to companies, international focus and openness to new audiences.

UniLaSalle is the leader among private establishments with the EESPIG label in 3 of its specialties: "Bio-engineering, agri-food and medical engineering", "Agriculture, forestry and biosystems engineering" and "Geological engineering". It also came second in "Environmental Engineering".

Note that ESIEE-Amiens, whose fields of expertise are digital and energy, does not appear in the 2021 L'Etudiant ranking due to the merger with UniLaSalle. 


Training in line with business demands 

According to the l'Etudiant 2021 ranking, relations with companies and preparation for professional integration are one of the strengths of UniLaSalle's training programs, based on the following 4 criteria: exit salary, policy of teaching and research chairs, number of mid-sized and large companies present at forums, number of alumni on the Linkedin network. 

These results complement recent podium finishes in both the Eduniversal 2021 ranking and the Happy@school ranking of schools where students are the most motivated and happiest.

From a methodological point of view, l'Etudiant's ranking uses declarative data from two sources: certified data from the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (©CTI - Year 2020) and press data from the Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs (©CDEFI - Year 2020). Of the 168 of the 200 French engineering schools that took part, 131 are public, 2 consular and 35 private.

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