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The Agrobiosciences college brings together the skills of our Rouen campus.

Positioned at the interface between the agronomic sciences and the food and non-food processing of agro-resources, the Agrobiosciences college brings together teacher-researchers from the Rouen campus. 

The Agrobiosciences College is made up of 22 teacher-researchers and brings together a wide range of skills, from agriculture to agro-industry and alternative agriculture (urban agriculture, tropical agriculture, connected agriculture, etc.).

The Agrobiosciences College is involved in all the courses offered in French and English on the Rouen campus:

  • Engineer in Agronomy and Agro-industries
  • International Engineer - Sustainable Agri-business & Food Engineering
  • Professional degree in Animal Nutrition Sales Technician
  • Master 2 Biosciences, plant sciences, ecoproduction and biovalorization (EcoBioValo)
  • Specialized Master in Food Marketing, Communication and Engineering (MS MCIPA)
  • Master of Science Agricultural & Food Data Management
  • Master of Science Urban Agriculture & Green Cities

The teaching and research staff of the Collège Agrobiosciences are members of UniLaSalle's accredited research units: AGHYLE, INTERACT, and Transformations & Agroressources.

Three chairs are held by the Collège Agrobiosciences: the Agro-Resources and Biobased Materials Normandy Chair (AMBIOS), the AllianceAgriAvenir Chair and the Biomechanisms for Soil Life & Plant Nutriprotection Research & Innovation Chair.

The Collège Agrobiosciences also carries out studies, services and research. 

The Agrobiosciences college is supported by :

  • The Normand Serre platform, focusing on plant production and development;
  • The Agro R Tech skills center, focusing on agro-resource processing.