The expertise of our teams in the Earth, life and environmental sciences, as well as in the human and social sciences makes UniLaSalle a particularly relevant player in the search for sustainable and economically viable scientific and tecnical solutions to tomorrow's challenges facing our society.
A word of introduction
Our future graduates, and more generally, our society, have immense challenges to face. The global demographic explosion, the climate emergency and the overexploitation of natural resources are all strong signals that encourage us to show involvement, imagination and innovation to implement the necessary environmental, food, digital and energy transitions.
In this context, research is being called upon to identify solutions to these challenges, with a focus on a systems approach and technological and organizational innovations.
Its activities, structured within 6 units, are internationally recognized for their expertise in the fields of life sciences, geology, digital technology and the environment. The research, spread over its 4 campuses, relies on its academic and industrial networks, its national network of Chambers of Agriculture and its international Lasallian network to develop its activities in line with the world around us and the expectations of professionals and sectors. This connection with societal demand is reinforced through the strong anchoring of the teams in their territories, in line with the strategic policies of sustainable development of the regions.
The Institute has equipment that is sometimes unique in the region or even in France, guaranteeing both original research programs and long-term industrial partnerships for highly applied research.
Research is widely shared with students, who benefit from the latest scientific advances through the knowledge provided by the teacher-researchers, but are also full-fledged actors in this dynamic when they are welcomed into the laboratories for engineering training or as part of a doctoral program.
At the heart of our missions: to understand the functioning of natural and anthropized systems, to transmit and develop knowledge and know-how, and to innovate for the benefit of the sectors and territories.
In this respect, our research and development activities are fully in line with the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations in 2015.
Karine LAVAL
Director of Research, Development and Innovation at UniLaSalle and the Rouen campus
Abdoulaye KANE
Director of Research, Development and Innovation - Rennes campus
Augustin MPANDA
Director of Research, Development and Innovation - Amiens campus
Michel-Pierre FAUCON
Director of Research, Development and Innovation - Beauvais campus
Jean-Pierre GADONNA
Director of Valorization UniLaSalle
million euros budget
staff dedicated to research
research units
international scientific articles per year
regional R&D projects in progress
Training through research
Training through research takes place throughout the student's engineering curriculum thanks to internships in our various research units, but also through initiation to the scientific approach through practical teaching modules (laboratories, fieldwork, etc.) and educational projects. At the same time, the laboratories welcome each year more than twenty doctoral students from all horizons, who are trained to become highly specialized scientific executives in the R&D departments of companies or universities, in France or abroad.
The doctoral pathway offered by the institution via double engineering and master's degrees, both nationally and internationally, opens up the prospect of a dual skill set that is increasingly popular with companies and the opportunity to benefit from a cutting-edge technological environment.
In connection with the doctoral schools of the UTC, the UPJV, the University of Rennes 2 and the ComUE Normandie Université, UniLaSalle offers multiple possibilities for financing theses, whether by public allocations or CIFRE grants in partnership with a company.

UniLaSalle's research activities are carried out by 6 units (4 of which are accredited by the supervisory ministries):
- AGHYLE: AGroecology, HYdrogeochemistry, miLieu and rEssources (UP 2018.C101)
This research unit is intersite (Beauvais / Rouen) - B2R: Basins - Reservoirs - Resources (UP 2018.C100/ URR 7511)
This unit is located in Beauvais in cotutelle with the University of Picardie Jules Verne - Cyclann
This unit is located in Rennes and is in the process of being accredited - InTerACT: Innovation Territory Agriculture & Agribusiness, Knowledge and Technology (UP 2018.C102)
This unit is intersite (Beauvais / Rouen) - Transformations and Agro-resources (UP 2018.C103 / ULR 7519)
This unit is multi-site (Beauvais / Rouen / Béthune) in cotutelle with the University of Artois - SYMADE: Sustainable Energy Systems and Management
This unit located in Amiens is in the process of being accredited
Excellent infrastructures for training, research and innovation
Our state-of-the-art technological platforms
UniLaSalle benefits from technological platforms, located on its campuses in Amiens, Beauvais and Rouen. Equipped with cutting-edge equipment, these unique infrastructures make it possible to conduct high-level research programs, including in collaboration with industrialists.
- Mechanical Engineering Platform, dedicated to the modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes, as well as to the characterization of residual stresses using the incremental drilling method;
- Geology & Hydrogeology Platform;
- Normand Serre Experimental Station for agro-ecology, agronomy and biotechnology;
- Ozone Platform dedicated to ozone applications in the fields of agro-industry, agri-food, environment and plant chemistry.
- Agro R Tech Center, dedicated to the valorization and characterization of agroresources and biosourced materials.
- AgriLab, an innovation and industrial transfer center dedicated to agriculture
- GeoLab, a modeling center for geosciences.
- Two experimental farms offering researchers full field devices
1 engineering cluster: PANASH, dedicated to research in Food & Health and attached to the Transformations & Agro-resources unit
Technical platforms in close proximity
Our technical platforms, spread over the 4 UniLaSalle campuses, are structured and placed at the service of students and the various research programmes and collaborate with companies in accordance with the strategic lines defined by the establishment:
- The agronomy technical platform
- The cellular and molecular biology technical platform
- The biotechnology, plant pathology and agro-ecology technical platform
- The analytical chemistry technical platform
- Environmental flow cytometry technical platform
- Geosciences technical platform
- The hydrogeology technical platform
- The technical platform of food, non-food and environmental process engineering
- Geosciences technical platform
- The technical platform of infra-red
- The technical platform of biosourced materials
- The technical platform of methanization
- The technical platform of microbiology and food quality
- The technical platform of culinary practices
- The technical platform of sensory analysis
- The technical platform of environmental chemistry
- The technical platform of physical chemistry and analytical chemistry of soils
- The technical platform of soil microbiodiversity
- The technical platform of biophysics and analytical chemistry of materials
- The technical platform of formulation-transformation-processes for materials
The matrices explored by the research teams include the subsoil, soil, plants, microorganisms, food, water and air, and energy.

Bringing research closer to the expectations of business and training is the objective of the business chairs developed at UniLaSalle with its partners:
- Agro-machinery and new technologies chair
- Normandy Agro-resources and bio-based materials Chair
- Alliance Agri Avenir Chair
- Chair in Biomechanisms for Soil Life and Plant Nutriprotection
- Chair in Risk Management in Agriculture
- Chair for the Mutation of Livestock Production and Societal Issues
- Chair in Plant Breeding